Spring is now upon us! Usually this signifies a change in more light and refreshing options in your diet. Check out some new produce that is now in season in Canadian and US markets that you can add to your meals this season:
Dandelion Greens – known for containing a high amount of minerals and vitamins, dandelion is also a fantastic liver-cleansing food. Try it out as a secondary green in your salads or throw a small amount in your morning smoothie!
Green Beans – high in iron as well as Vitamin C, A and K, beans can work well as a warm side or a cold veggie mix.
Shallots – Similar to onions and garlic in their ability to promote immunity and fight off bacteria, shallots can give any dish a flavour boost! Try it in fresh salads, pan fried with a light protein, or a chopped topping to your morning omelet.
Grapefruit – contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that works well to protect your skin and heart. Grapefruits give off a sour kick that can be great for flavoured waters, fresh citrus salads and smoothies.
Peas – These little vegetables are high in fiber, protein and minerals such as phosphorus, which is essential to bone growth and maintenance. Fry them up with some olive oil or butter with your choice of seasoning.