These days, organic produce and grocery sales are booming, with over 60% of Canadian shoppers currently buying from the organic section. But the question always remains – is it REALLY better to buy organic?
There are tons of pros to eating organic that not only affect us, but our planet:
Growing organic is better for the environment – due to growing standards, owning an organic farm means that there are lots of restrictions to adding pesticides and herbicides to crops. This means that there are less chemicals in the water runoff, which is safer for us and animals when it comes to our drinking water. The soil will also be protected from chemicals as well, therefore being more fertile, better quality and with more minerals for the continued growing season.
Less danger of us getting tainted produce – With the restrictions on pesticides, this means that our food will have far less chemicals that could potentially be harmful to us over a longer period of time.
Organic food is guaranteed to be fresh – this is because no preservatives can be added to organic food, unlike conventional produce, so the quality of the product is based on how recently it was harvested. There will also be a higher amount of natural antioxidants and nutrients present.
Organic farming is more sustainable – by using natural fertilizers that contain little chemicals, as well as using techniques such as crop rotation, organic farming prolongs the chances of being able to harvest on the same land without causing pollution.
Now, for the dirty dozen of 2019! These items should always be purchased organic, as they have the highest chance of containing the most chemicals and pollutants: