Decorating Easter eggs is a highlight of the Easter holiday. But did you know eggs carry a lot of health benefits for us in our diet?
Here are a few reasons to eat this tasty and versatile ingredient:
Eggs are a complete protein – this means that eggs contain all nine essential amino acids that we cannot synthesize ourselves. These amino acids are responsible for so many processes in our bodies, such as hormonal production, muscle growth, energy, etc. Most vegetarian protein sources such as nuts and legumes are not complete proteins and must be combined to get the full benefit.
Eggs contain “good” cholesterol – while eggs actually get a bad reputation for contributing to cholesterol build up your arteries, this isn’t really the case. Eggs have HDL cholesterol, which is responsible for removing the “bad” (LDL) cholesterol in your blood that can contribute to heart and circulation issues.
Eggs are full of nutrients – eggs contain carotenoids such as lutein, which is an antioxidant responsible for protecting your eyes from disease, degeneration and other issues. They also contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals.
Eggs can help promote weight loss – because eggs contain a high amount of protein, making them the star of your meal can make you feel fuller, contribute to muscle growth and lower the chance of unhealthy weight gain!
Here are some deliciously egg-y recipes you can try this Easter holiday that will be a hit with your guests!:
Hard boil 8 eggs, peel them and slice them length-wise in half. Remove the yolks and place them in a bowl. Mix them with ½ an organic avocado, 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard, 1 tsp. lemon juice, salt, pepper and dill to taste. Pipe the yolk mixture back into the egg whites, sprinkle with smoked paprika and enjoy!
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Use 1 tbsp. of butter to coat the insides of a muffin tin. In a bowl, mix 6 eggs well and pour into the muffin tins. Add your desired amount of chives, shredded cheddar cheese, crumbled bacon (optional), salt and pepper to egg mixes. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes and serve warm.